Monday, February 27, 2012

Creative Writing with a Potter Protagonist that Deals with Technique.

There was a young artist that was finding his art.
He knew all technique, but couldn't focus on one part.
He started as a young'un with an interest in Architecture, but found his blueprints expensive and unwanted.
Next he did 2-d art but soon was quite sure that he should keep that side stunted.
He searched and he tried,
But until the paint dried
He couldn't tell if he'd succeeded or not. There was so much inspiration and many ideas,
But every image he thought, his hand had forgot. He knew there had to be a panacea,
Something that could express his physical thought
Instead of just singing, although that is "hawt."
This young man ran into a spark of creation, and was passionate enough to beg for its fuel.
He desired to use clay as his foundation, and to do so for an hour at school.
He started with PlayDough
(Now he has better clay though)
And what he discovered is, he isn't that great, but he can form what his thoughts are:
Love, shapes, food, and hate, flying machines and things bizarre.
He's learning technique, or at least trying, before
He goes past the kneading to get on much more.
So be patient with him, I swear that he's yearning
His work may be grim, but he really is learning.

Keep the clay soft, unless you are etching,
For a uniform "log," use the extruder,
To stick it together, use slipping and hashing,
Leaving in bubbles couldn't be ruder.
Slabs, slips, minerals, heat,
Gloss, patience, and lots of failures,
Sketches, ideas (some that are neat),
Who cares if it normally takes years
To learn this skill that I'm diving right into
If anything I'll bake it all and use glue...

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