Monday, April 30, 2012

I tried to find some
pictures to blog, but I failed
so miserably.


the hurt


the absence of time

a warriors journey

discipline of passion

never enough love

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The vision ^_^ needs editing

As i stair at the door, i took a deep breathe and the vision came back to me again, time began to slow down. (I'm in the dark room again, starring into nothing, hearing a faint buzzing noise, "who's there?" i said, the only reply was the the faint buzzing noise. As i started to walk forward the room that i was in started to brighten, i stepped back in surprise and everything went black again. The buzzing noise went away and now all i could hear was a high pitch tone, that kept getting louder and louder in my head. I could feel that simple beat in my head as i stood there looking into the dark. "Come" said a voice that seemed to be right in front of me but as i put my hand out to feel all i felt was warm air turn into icy cold air.  i panicked, closing my eyes hard thinking to myself that this was only just a dream and i was fine, nothing bad could happen to me, right? was this a dream or was it a mere vision of what was about to happen, i wouldn't know. i opened my eyes again the room was white, bodies everywhere, burned bodies, black and red was everywhere in the room, smoke was coming and the smell was to gruesome. Out of the corner of my eye i saw something move, i turned my head quickly, seeing a man in his mid sixties he looked ashy like, no legs, no clothing, he was crawling towards a door that seemed to get further and further away, i felt in myself that he deserved what he was getting but then i was feeling sympathy for the man, why does he deserve this? i didn't know why or why not, but in my heart it felt right but then my head said it's wrong. I looked away as not to capture that image anymore. i looked down at my feet and saw a child what had been burned, i could tell if it was a boy or girl, it was so burnt and crisp it looked like a mutated person and i felt my stomach turn inside at. I back away and felt the presents of someone behind me, i slowly turned around to see a little girl in a perfectly white dress holding a burned teddy. she seemed to have been singing to herself but i couldn't tell. "hello?" i finally said after looking at her awhile, she mumbled something and i could hear it so i walked closer , "What do you say little girl?", she mumbled something again, "I'm sorry what?" i finally said louder as i started to walked towards her. "You did this!" she screamed in a satanic voice! she looked at me with pure white eyes, "COME BACK DADDY!" i felt a warm rush hit me and i was back.) "Are you ready Private?" "Sir?" "Are you ready to breach?" he whispered. "Sir!" As he placed the C4 on the door, everyone cleared. "Now!" As the Electric pulse hit the explosive powder the door flew back, we entered the building.

I looked down at the ground and saw men in burnt robes lying lifeless on the ground. i looked to my right like in my vision and saw a man scrambling for his rifle, he had no legs and was bleeding quickly. i lifted my rifle as to shoot and then the vision came back to me. I paused, the legless man turned around and yelled something i couldn't understand, and just before he could fire the gun my friend shoved me out of the way and took the blow to the chest. everything slew down as i watch my friend slowly fall back hitting the wall behind him. I screamed and picked up my Rifle and blankly opened fire into the room the legless man was in, bullets flying by me hitting the wall behind me. once the bullets stopped, i ran out of ammo, i quickly got off my back and looked into the room he was dead, lying on the wall. I looked down at my friend, my eyes caught something hanging out of his pocket, i bent down and took it out of his pocket. It was a picture of his baby year, age three or four holding a teddy bear in a white dress, i had another flash back from my vision. something fell from my hands, it looked like a note, I opened it, it was a note, a note from his little daughter, "Dady i lov yu and hope yu come back".


Piggy in a play pen


A lot of the time I do not like my paintings at all. The one I entered into the art fest I do not really like. The weird thing is everyone else seems to like it, yet this still does not make me like it more. I think in order for me done with something, I have to like it. This painting is not done.


Day 29's shoot

Friday, April 27, 2012


Target Down

Hotel Room View

The American Dream: Speed

Free To Explode

Marsh Sunset

Beautiful Wash-ups

Artificial Patriotism

Foggy Sunset



Life of Leisure

Hot Rod

Trip To Florida

Mexican Michael Jackson